Layer 6

Sedation & Nitrous Oxide

Sedation & Nitrous Oxide 

Your comfort is one of our highest priorities. In addition to offering amenities like noise-canceling headphones, tablets, pillows, blankets, and warm towels to help you feel relaxed and well cared for, we offer both nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral sedation. 

What is nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide, often referred to as laughing gas, is a fast-acting, quickly dissipating gas that makes a person feel relaxed and more comfortable. This gas is safe to be used in children and adults. 

A small mask will be placed over your nose. We will begin with oxygen and slowly adjust the level of the laughing gas. Most patient will begin to feel relaxed and comfortable within a few minutes. Some will feel a tingling sensation in their arms and legs. After the nitrous is turned off, you will be placed on oxygen for 5 minutes and  the effects will completely reverse. In fact, you can even drive home or return to work after having nitrous oxide. 

What is oral sedation?

The goal of oral sedation is to produce anxiolysis, or minimal sedation, to patient with moderate dental anxiety. A prescription will be sent to your pharmacy. You will be asked to come to your appointment 45 minutes prior to your appointment and the medication will be taken under Dr. Chung’s supervision.  

A driver must accompany you to your appointment as you will likely feel drowsy, or sleepy, after taking the medication. We recommend making arrangements in advance to rest at home after the procedure. The effects of the sedation will begin to subside within a few hours after taking the medication and will be completely cleared from your body by the next morning.  

Who needs nitrous oxide or sedation?

We offer nitrous oxide or sedation to patients undergoing any endodontic procedure that have mild to moderate dental anxiety.